Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Your first step will almost always be taken alone... most people only wanna wait til you succeed before they get involved... They may hope for the best for you and wish you success... but they gon hang back... cause they aint trying to be the one to take the initial risk and possibly jeopardize their own situations....

Think about this the next time you see someone talking about what everybody should be doing when they haven't tried to do it themselves.... And its usually something that anybody can do..so If they aren't trying to lead the way then think twice...

Now could it all just be pleas for justice or suggestions of solutions.... or could it be that cause DEEP DOWN INSIDE....They don't truly believe it can get done...or that they can do it? Cause with a level of certainty to your beliefs you wouldn't have a problem stepping out on your own.... So in any other case, it looks as if you'd rather hang someone else out to dry instead of taking the risk yourself....
For Instance... I see so many people talking about killing cops these days... But I aint seen much of anyone pulling a trigger... And the one boy that did.... well he got called crazy and was easily forgotten about... I'm not an advocate of going on a rampage and killing white folks... I'm just saying this to make a point... This could be with anything.... police brutality, business, health, or whatever cause you choose to fight over...

The NUMBER ONE QUESTION THAT EVERYBODY WANTS TO KNOW WHEN THEY HEAR YOU HOOTING AND HOLLERING about something in an emotional tirade IS...... WELL WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT?! Here's the secret.... Most of the people who are out doing something.... aint hooting and hollering about it.....However...... when you hear that question.... you better have a good answer... and not just the usual "I tried to tell yall what we should do but yall Niggas don't never listen. Im finishied with these half-steppin coons/negroes. Yall don't wanna be free". At least have a failed attempt at putting something together to speak on.... Don't have an empty resume with nothing but a introduction at the top of what you'd like to do....

Things rarely succeed because of this type of behavior. How you gon champion a movement but dont wanna be involved until everybody's in it?! And get mad at others for not seeing your vision?! Many people believe that God has a purpose for them.... And if he does..... Then don't you think you're gonna probably be somewhat alone in fulfilling it. Its your own specific job to do here... nobody else's... You may request help... but the job is still on your shoulders..... So why be mad when everybody doesn't side with you from jump?!

Is it because you like the ability to hang back with an "I TOLD YOU SO" attitude..."Shoulda listened to Me", attitude? Realize that after a while... you'll be portrayed as the guy that loves his own destruction... cause every time something happens to one of us it looks like another opportunity for you to prove your point... and allows you to offer up a smug retort. And most of the time, that's all we hear from you from that point on.... a blamefest... And how is that supposed to build the unity you desire so much?!

Wouldn't it be better for you take the first step and show us?! If you're all for fighting killer rogue cops and are good at punishing killer cops then go do it and then come back and teach others..... People gotta see things before they believe them these days... Everybody aint fearless like you ( I suppose)...Most people aint gon move until you move first and since you're the expert... then you should be moving first, RIGHT?!

Don't just sit there and watch the news... and be like "That Chris Dorner guy is my hero. I sure HOPE he gets away". Or... "I'm glad that 'ms. single mother of 3' finally spoke up about racism at her job... and now that she's fired... I HOPE she can find a better one and don't get on welfare and take more off my plate"... or "I'm glad the boy stomped on the flag or that lady pulled the flag down.... I HOPE they don't get killed in jail" "Or we all hope for the best for that brother/sister that did (noble deed)".... and we pretty much send them off with a "Good luck with that" I suppose....

Why don't we make people millionaires when they do any of these things that we talk about so much... like starting a business... killing a cracker cop... lose a freedom-fighting family member... trash-talk white folks on TV? Why do those people languish in a hell (of sorts) for the rest of their lives most of the time?

YES.... everything is that much easier when it is done in numbers.... but nothing ever gets done until one person decides to take the first step....
to lighten the mood... watch the clip... it goes a little something like this.....

how we supposed to get somewhere when most people act like Chris (Tucker) did in that first scene?

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Fight or flight.... Fight or flight......  (I'm just thinking out loud)  It gets no more basic than that....One of my teachers... Baba Wekesa and his wife Afiya talk a lot about the emotion of anger... When you are being violated as a person.... You either fight the violator that's violating you... or you move away to a safe distance... There's No thinking really involved in it...You just default to your natural instincts and make the move.

That's the dangerous part though...  Because we ALL were trained to fight or flee in a certain way whether we recognize it or not... Your fighting and your retreat style will be very dependent upon your natural training or your experiential/environmental training....

Ima have to paint a picture of this for you...
Have you ever seen a boxer... Maybe even a pro level boxer... and he's in a match and something happens that he wasn't prepared for...... Either he gets caught off guard with a punch that really stifles him... or maybe it just pisses him off.... Maybe he's tired and his discipline starts to waiver....  Take Mike Tyson for instance.... When Mike got thrown off of his square... he reverted right back to his street style.... to the point where once he was like, "I'ma bite this dude's ear off".... Throwing wild punches... looking like he hasn't even trained for the fight.... But in the first round he might have been technically sound.  Hmmmm....... All that training went right out the window... he went straight back to the way the STREETS taught him... the way he grew up....

NOW.... picture us.... Black people..... in a boxing match with racism or white supremacy... (I say racism, cause some people act like racism doesn't have a face).  I choose boxing because we are definitely at war and almost everybody agrees with that...

Now picture us not having the ability to throw a punch for 400 years!!  Picture us not even wanting to be in the fight!!  We got thrown in this right against our will.... WITH Our hands tied behind our back.... All We Could Do was Dodge for the longest of time.... All the while.... Our opponent was giving us the works.... he was juicing, wearing brass knuckles under his gloves, foreign substances on his gloves... blinding agents, poisons...Referee paid off, Everything you can imagine....  And he's been wearing us out.... but we never got knocked out...

The boxing ring depicts the world... Because at our present state of mind... there is really nowhere that we can hide in this ring... because racism is going to seek us out and try to bomb on us.... (black wall street).  We have to stay elusive.... The only thing different about this fight and the sport of boxing... is there are no rounds... it's nonstop....

So we were taking some haymakers during slavery... and then somebody decided to let the chains off our gloves cause we started headbutting (using our brains)  and other slick defense methods... (nat turner)  But they only let one arm go for the time being (segregation).  Not knowing we could do some heavy damage with that one free hand and maybe even untie the other one with it..... we decided to take another route....

Instead of freeing our other hand...Somewhere in the fight we started complaining about our gloves not being as shiny and new as the opponent's... but the referee ignored us constantly....   After a while of that... we stopped dodging altogether... The opponent had a field day....Landing all kinds of shots.... hanging us out to dry while the crowds watched and had picnics....

  Now picture us taking all these heavy blows... like the champs we are... and then we decide we just wanna embrace the opponent thinking he gon give us a break for just a few seconds... While we're in there hugging it up... he's talking as much trash as he possibly can to get us riled up (Jim Crow)...But the referee always broke up the hugging after a while....so we could get back to the punishment.... the opponent was punching us on the breaks.... and showboating with it.... having so much fun that he pretty much forgot that we had a free hand... So we started working the jab... (Civil Rights, NOI, etc).  And after a few good shots with our that free hand... we finally got our 2nd hand freed from bondage....The opponent didn't like getting hit... so they decided they'd do that for us and negotiate a little break in the action....

While we're sitting in the corner with no cut man.... bleeding heavily... ears ringing.... The opponent is in his corner... tightening up his tricks... coming up with new strategies to combat you getting your hands back..... biowarfare, illusions, mind control, etc.... Your ears are ringing so much that you don't even hear the bell ring again for the fight to start back up.... It's like you're in a coma in the middle of the ring... trying to wake up.... while the opponent is going in on you.....

NOW... this is where we are today...... Your trainer and cutman has just showed up in the corner.... you caught a second wind and woke up from your daze and just as you were coming to your senses you see the enemy rearing back for a big left hook.... which he connects.... Your instincts say WTF?!?!

Now you have a choice.... .FIGHT OR FLIGHT??? And that's where we are... that split second moment where we decide to FIGHT OR LEAVE!!!  YET.....  it requires a certain type of training to FIGHT the right way.... It Also.... Requires a certain type of training to SEPARATE the right way.... and if you do not get that training.... then you will be operating off the instinctual/environmental/imitative lessons of fight or flight that you have learned throughout your lifetime.... And that being the case, not many of us would be operating outside of a white supremacy influence....

MY POINT BEING........... I notice a lot of brothers and sisters who can't STAND white supremacy.... but the only thing they want to do is pick up a gun or tell everyone else to battle it out with the beast with guns....I also see people advocating boycotts or other affronts to the racist power structure that really have no foundation besides ANGER........ And When the response is not filled with fervor they lash out a lot of the time... and I see a lot of oppressive speech towards other brothers and sisters in regards to their "manhood", strength, knowledge, etc.... That is a trained response that we definitely did not learn from OUR ancient teachers.  We are not warlike... but yes we are at war.... Why do you think we should fight the beast on his terms?  Is that not BEAST-LIKE?!  We have not yet trained to beat the white man at his game.  ALSO.... no boxer ever trains to beat the other boxer at his game.... they train to eclipse the opponent in skill and technique.  That's how you win at sport.  And remember... we're dealing with an opponent with a 400 year head start.... It's gon take a special kind of training.... WHY DON'T WE ENGAGE IN THIS KIND OF TRAINING.... before we talk actual combat?  Why call me a wimp because I'm telling you to think about it before you act?!

Some may think we don't have time to think.... and that it's purely fight or flight.... My response to that is that the last 400 years has really been nothing more than the split second moment where we are deciding whether to take up the fight or take flight....  400 years is far more than enough time to get your proper training in either of these two areas.  Some of my people will hate me for saying this (probably for the reasons I stated above)  but I suggest you find your trainers before you fully engage in either....

To illustrate my point further.... Think back to the 1st Matrix movie.... NEO started off in the Matrix.... and he had a trainer (Morpheus) teaching him how to flee from his oppressors over a cellphone... He had to be TRAINED how to flee.... it even led him to the edge of a building.... but once Neo took the red pill.... He exited from the matrix and then he began to get his own training through his own programs/initiations... Once he was prepared... he re-entered the Matrix and decided to actually FIGHT and he fought well until he had to flee again.  He then had to get retrained how to flee over the phone again... until he got shot by the agent in the hallway... It was at that very moment... that he learned who he was and it was that split second where he was trained to not have to flee any longer.... He resurrected and started stopping bullets with his mind.....

NOTICE.... THAT AFTER THIS MOMENT... THAT IN NONE OF THE OTHER MATRIX MOVIES DID YOU EVER SEE NEO FIGHT WITH A GUN AGAIN.... WHY FIGHT WITH A GUN WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE?!  You're more powerful than the primitive gun... why waste your bullets and your time?!  

Now if you're "conscious"  then you'd know of stories of your people, even today, doing such feats as Neo in the matrix could.  So why not get your training?!  What is your AR-15 to the opponent's nuclear warhead or gas chamber?  Do you still wanna play that game now?!  I'm not speaking out of fear.... I'm speaking out of knowledge and love for all my brothers and sisters.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Separation is our Natural Reaction

Baba Wekesa O. Madzimoyo​ and Mama Afiya teach (remind) us through their Warriors-Healers-Builders program that it is only natural for somebody to remove the entity that is violating their personal space.  I mean, for example... you're not gonna just let a roach land on your forehead and stay there, are you?!  Even an infant that knows nothing about roaches would instinctively do something to remove that roach.  They either slap the roach away or separate themselves as much as they can from the violator.  Probably both....

Wekesa also talks about the way the system sends out illusions and the way we (the people) match it with a delusion.  So if we are indeed at war..... and have been violated for centuries on end... we are deluding ourselves to the point where we can't even allow the natural reaction of separating ourselves from the violators occur.  Not to get lost in all of this... the point I'm really trying to make is that it is natural that we SEPARATE!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

All of the programs that have had a MAJOR impact on me recently

Peace yall... I gotta do this... Cause I support these dudes.... The name of this blog for now is.... Man 2 Mystic... The journey of a young black guy to find himself and commune with his immortal being.

I do the exercises in the Level 2 section of the Blackroots Science Book....wisdom of the elder of Shaba.  Tribe of the Black Nation.  

I also follow these two brothers who have extensive knowledge on the 33 degree and 36 degree systems of freemasonry/theosophist ideology.  They have dissected the teachings and exercises and have filtered the non-black elements from it, condensed it, and formulated a program to help us be able to find our true selves within.  The program is called Institution of Basic Concentration and Meditation Techniques for Advanced Development.  The website is IBCMTAD.com.  These two brothers are also FB and can be found at their page.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/781327711947274/  
They also have weekly conference calls to outline the program and their goals/methods. 
The program is affordable and easy to follow.  Good for someone at any level to still the mind and be one with the universal consciousness.  My personal testament to this is that I've never been a good meditation practitioner, or at least I thought I wasn't.  These brothers made it easier to digest the idea of it all, and set up a disciplined plan to get to where I need to go.  So I suggest you all Check this out.


WARRIORS, HEALERS, BUILDERS, formerly known as H.O.W.- Healing Oppression's Wounds- at the AYA Educational Institute here in Atlanta.  The program is run by Wekesa Madzimoyo and his wife, Afiya along with a host of other facilitators-in-training.  Beautiful people.  Very Easy to Relate To.  People you wouldn't mind calling Mama and Daddy.  They've been doing the work for decades.   Anyway, This program came at a crucial period in my life.  Because the need for emotional literacy had crept its way up into my life at least a few times in the recent past.  Myself, growing up in a family that did not focus on emotional nor mental stability, had absolutely no idea how to go about finding this emotional literacy.  I knew it was needed, but I was truly lost on this one.  And I'm not the kind of person that finds himself lost too often.  Well, right on cue.  In comes Warrior, Healers Builders in March of This year.  Awesome, just Awesome.  All I'm gonna say is... If you think you can't be exposed, you need to go to WHB.  If you think your attitude or character is miles above the rest, you may need to go to WHB.  This is gonna tell you how we oppress ourselves and each other in ways that you've never probably realized.  It's gon make you mindful of things you've been doing your entire life and give clear-cut ways to manage your emotions and stop the oppression.  Man that was a crazy weekend for me.   Everybody says their program is life-changing... but man... I've been to a lot of stuff in the "conscious community in Atlanta for the past few years.... and this by far has to be at the top of my list of "THINGS EVERYBODY AND THEIR MAMA SHOULD BE DOING".  

Find out more about the Retreat at http://www.ayaed.com/whdc/
Also Check out Wekesa's Blog at ayaeducation.blogspot.com

There's a few more people on here who deserve shout-outs.  But they don't wanna be on the internet all that much.  So I'll save that.  There's also a guy who has done a lot for me in terms of opening my eyes to my purpose.   But I'll give him his own discussion later.  


Money is energy.  Money is just a middleman.  Business and business transacting is just an energy exchange.  You go to work and expend ENERGY... in return for paper.  That paper represents your energy expenditure.  In return for your energy, something was created or processed to make some community function or "progress".  The paper that represents your energy is then spent to buy something that you feel would make your family, self, community, (whatever you spend it for) function.  All you did was trade your energy... for something that should have helped you, your family, your community grow.  So what in the world do we really need with these little green pieces of paper?  We could cut them out... and go straight toward spending our energy on gathering resources, creating, and processing the things that can help us, our families, and our communities, function properly.

But until then................ GET MONEY!!!!  Right?!

Basic Knowledge... Back to the Basics

I'm going to post a little bit of info from a book that has changed my life immeasurably... BlackRoots Science.... Wisdom from the Elders of Chaba or Shaba- which means Black People in Setswana or Sechuana the ancient language of the Tswana People, the people that live in the land of Botswana today.  Be prepared to open some of those recesses in that brain of yours.  To order a hard copy of the book just go to www.blackrootsscience.com or go to http://www.scribd.com/doc/50250932/31577336-BLACKROOTS-SCIENCE-2ND-EDITION#scribd to read it online... Enjoy!

Our earth and solar system were created 78 trillion years ago. As soon as the earth was ready, 144,000 ancestors came from another star system, the star called Sirius that was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians. They inhabited the earth after preparing it by seeding it with plant and animal life. After about 7,000 years since their arrival, their population increased from 144,000 to one billion eight million (1b8m). 2. This number, 1b8m, is the most sacred number in creation. It is the total number of original people who inhabited the first earth of our universe countless trillions of years ago. Thus every earth inhabited thereafter keeps this number as their final and stable population. It was determined to be the ideal number of people that can inhabit a planet the size of earth in complete comfort, without imposing on each other or on the natural resources, as well as on the animals and plants. That enables complete freedom of movement for all life on the planet, and this is essential for peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth (the gaining of knowledge). 3. The reason why the number is specifically 1b8m is described in the mathematics section of BlackRoots Science. 4. The first earth mentioned above, was created by the b8m original Gods from the stars of the previous universe. They had existed in that previous universe, toward its end, along with trillions upon countless trillions of other people, in a state of mind called divine unity, or the oneness of God. It is a state of mind where all the people in the universe unite as one. This One is God in truth, not the 'spirit' God of modern religions. 5. When the trillions upon trillions of people at the end of the previous universe were united as one, they experienced an indescribable expansion of their minds, which were as one mind. It expanded to such an extent that it not only circumscribed their entire universe, but exceeded its boundaries by an immeasurable extent. The One Mind, or God, became so large that the O
previous universe could no longer contain him/her. He/she felt a need for a larger universe in which the experience of life would continue. The trillions upon trillions of people, still united as one, then decided to abandon that universe. They consciously left their perfected bodies and rose in mind far above the universe. They then looked down on it and saw it as a small sphere, the way our earth looks when seen from high above in space. 6. Now, the mind is always attached to the body. There is no such thing as a mind without a body, as so-called 'spiritualists' would like us to believe. The mind can extend beyond the outer reaches of space, even expand infinitely, but a magnetic attraction always attaches it to the physical body. The magnetic attraction dissipates at death, and the mind and individual personality, or soul, then ascends. I will discuss ascension at a later time. 7. The unified mind of the people, who were as One Person, was so immense that the stars appeared to be the size of atoms. As this Person was contemplating the universal sphere, he/she saw that it was adequate for habitation as a new earth, with all the stars being its atoms. He/she made one billion eight million new bodies corresponding to the size of the new earth, using some of its substance (the stars/atoms). Then he/she disconnected the magnetic connection to the old bodies and left them in the old universe. The 1b8m Gods then descended upon the new earth into the new bodies and became the first inhabitants. 8. The matter of every star and planet in the universe is created in seven forms. In modern words these are magnetism, electricity, light, ether, gases, liquids, and solids. The fourth substance, ether, is the central supporting substance of the other six. It is the womb of creation called space. It is black in color, as one can see by looking out into space at night. This absolute blackness called space not only supports the other substances, but it also gives individual color to all objects because the color black contains all other colors in itself. Hence when the b8m original Gods made themselves new bodies, they covered them in skin whose color is black, getting it directly from the ether. Because the Gods create all plants and animals from their own bodies, they need to have all colors stored in a single color in their creative germ, which is called the dark dominant germ or gene, the source of what modern people call melanin. 9. Upon arriving on the first earth, the One Mind of God incarnated instantly in 1b8m bodies, as already said. Half of them (504,000,000) were female and the other half were male. Each pair of male/female Gods are called soul mates. They always create in soul mate pairs, even when in large groups,
because all creation has a male/female or negative/positive principle (negative is not used in a derogatory sense, but as the complement of positive). The b8m original people then proceeded to instantly create perfect plants and animals, called the original totems, from which all evolutionary life forms evolved. They also proceeded to create new stars and planets around the first earth by condensing part of their expanded mind. After living on that first earth for more than a trillion years, they finalized the plans for the completion of a new, much larger universe. They then gave birth to their descendents, and then passed out of life (ascended). Before passing, they established the society of the Black Nation. 10. They established it by withdrawing from or leaving their divine unity, in which they had existed for over a trillion years. They did this in order to be able to bring new life into the world, new persons who had never existed before, such as you and me. At the same time, in order to ensure the continuity of eternity, these same b8m original Gods continue to incarnate in the new people. They reside in the unconscious part of the person's mind and are called the mind of God, or the divine gift of ancestral memory (or what modern people call the spirit of God). Thus every Black person, even though he or she is born brand new, is simultaneously one of the b8m original Gods. Only the personality is new. The spirit is old, even eternal. 11. The b8m original people all withdrew from the divine unity except 24 people, 12 men and 12 women. They became the Kings and Queens called the 24 Elders, who are really 12 Gods or 12 soul mate couples. The 24 Elders are called the custodians of divine unity. 12. The 12 Gods chose 12 assistants each and called them the 144 Chiefs. The Gods divided the population into 12 tribes of 84 million people. They further divided each tribe into 6 clans, and set 2 Chiefs, a man and a woman, as the heads of each clan. The Chiefs chose 1,000 people each and called them the 144,000 Judges. They sent them in soul mate pairs all over the earth to set the foundations for 72,000 cities. Each couple took about 14,000 people with them to establish their city. 13. This was the basic organization of the Black Nation established by the original Gods on the first earth. When other earths were completed and settlers sent to them, this organization was repeated and remains as the divine form of Kingdom/Queendom on every inhabited earth throughout the universe.  14. The original Gods also established 7 great rituals of initiation to be used by the leaders to elevate all new people to divine unity. God's purpose for
creating universe after universe is to increase himself/herself. Every person who completes the seven great rituals becomes full God, exactly like the original people. At that moment of completion, God rediscovers himself/herself anew, as if he/she had never existed before. That is how God renews himself/herself, thus overcoming the stagnancy that would be the case in an eternally allknowing being who never changes. 15. In addition to the 7 great rituals, the original people also established many other rituals and customs covering every area of science and life. They then initiated the leaders of their descendents into this knowledge before passing. Their initiation rituals have been faithfully transmitted from generation to generation since the beginning.  16. On our earth, this form of divine rule existed uninterrupted for 78 trillion years, until 6,000 years ago, when a certain God decided it was time for all the other Gods (you and me) to experience that part of us contained in what is called the non-creative recessive light germ. He caused the birth of new races of people, the non-Blacks, who would be the vehicles to manifest all that is in that gene. 17. All things, without exception, are contained in God. God will experience all that is contained in him/her. He/she knows all, but has not experienced all. He/she uses the creation for this purpose of experiencing all that is known, including what is called evil. Hence 6,000 years ago, a God by the name of Yahweh, called Yakub in other ancient scripts, was born here on our earth. He together with about 60,000 volunteers who are called the Elohim made the non-Blacks in our image. They made them by suppressing the dominant black gene and slowly unfolding the recessive light gene over a period of seven generations of offspring, or 200 years. This caused the appearance of the first light race, born to Black people. After another 200 years of deliberate and careful breeding, they caused the second light race to appear out of the first. Then 200 years later the third race appeared and finally, 66 years after the appearance of the 3rd race (yellow race) the 4th race (caucasians) appeared. These 60,000 people, Yahweh and the Elohim, thus initiated the modern age and the process that would eventually bring our divine Kingdom to a temporary end. 18. That in brief is the sacred history leading from the first earth to our earth, and to the present situation or cycle called evil, which was preordained to last for 6,000 years.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

It's Tough to be a part of the Black "Conscious" Community

So much to talk about in a post like this... But I want to be brief....

Why is it not so great to be a part of a "community" full of "conscious" black people as yourself?????
Oh let me count the ways.....

1.  We may need to redefine, or perhaps refine, some people's definition of the word "conscious".  We're not on the same page with that but you'll find that a lot of people like to throw their own meaning behind what it means to be "awoke" or "asleep".  Some people say that... "If you're still stuck on religion, then you're unconscious".  That's the most prevalent view I'd say, and the sad part is... a lot of those people just stepped out of the church not too long ago.  They don't waste too much time learning about what they should have been learning..... before they start attacking people who are still hanging onto religion.  Most of the things they do now, Most of the things they say, the way they look at things, still resembles the things they were doing before they left the church.  But instead of correcting them, they'd rather trash people who still go to church.  It's like a frat brother who was hazed to join a fraternity finally getting his chance to haze the new pledges behind him.  Just crossed the burning sands and couldn't wait to talk down to those to come behind him... 

To me, consciousness is everything.... Everything has a LEVEL or a degree of consciousness....  A blade of grass has a frequency it vibrates on in the overall GOD consciousness.  Some people are conscious of some things, while totally unaware of others.  Instead of telling someone they are unconscious because they fail to meet some standard of yours.... Maybe you should look at it as.... "This person is unconscious to the fact that ___________".  There are so many things that so many people are unconscious of, yet they feel the need to call others "Asleep".  That's divisive.  We're not gonna build unity with all that "holier than thou" stuff poppin' off all the time.  Tell me.... When has verbally abusing black people ever helped with the unity movement?  And if they just so happen to leave from around you and shirk every thing you have to say (no matter how life altering it may be), you emasculate them or devalue their feelings by calling them over-sensitive.... Which leads me to my next point....

2.  Why in the world do conscious folks think they're better than everyone else?  They'll swear they're not better, and yes, they honestly may believe that anyone can surpass anyone else at any time... yet.... their actions speak otherwise.  They name-call, cajole, instigate, don't listen, don't even try to understand the very people that they claim to want to unify with; As if they have been full-fledged God for their entire lives with no extra work necessary to complete.  "Conscious" people may have found their spiritual calling, but there are some that act like they were born that way.  If you can't relate to the people you're trying to help, you shouldn't be trying to teach or build with them.  Plain and simple.  If you don't wanna listen, you don't wanna teach.  And you definitely don't wanna reach anyone if you haven't learned to relate to them.  

3.  I'm rather tired of the FACT that every brother and sister that feels like they are the baddest thing since Nat Turner or Malcolm X feels the need to talk to other people like military drill sergeants.  Sure it works for some people, but definitely not a large percentage. Why do you think that's the most motivational or inspirational method to reach people? Why go the negative route?!  All the time?!  Are we ever going to say anything positive?!  Negate their being, negate their behavior.  Is it cause that's what they're used to hearing?!  Is that what you're used to hearing?!  Well that wouldn't make you any better than the oppressors that you claim to have no ties or love for.  You carry their traditions on very well.  We need to stop contradicting ourselves and behaving hypocritically. Don't do the oppressors' jobs for them.  THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS WHOLE THING IS TO SEPARATE OUR MINDS AND OUR BODIES FROM THE WAYS AND THE PROXIMITY OF THE OPPRESSORS!!!!! Nobody asked you to be perfect, we only ask that you admit that you may not be and that you still have work to do with yourself.    AND.... that you actually show improvement.  Otherwise, the "nobody's perfect" line just becomes an overused excuse.  DO WORK!

4.  This is the most harsh one of all to me, right now...... Due to the fact that we don't really have knowledge of self.  No guided initiations like our tribal ancestors..... No real communities or institutions to look to for help with our basic needs.... When a brother or sister usually comes into a little bit of knowledge and has the fire and zeal inside of them... When their passion and eagerness is at its height, they look around and they don't find too many people on the same level as them.  I mean, they're ready to start groups, businesses, schools, group-economic ventures, etc.  But not many people are on that same wavelength at the moment.  They dawdle around for a while trying to get a footing and see where they can take root- who they can align with the closest... and after a while, the fire kind of dies down.  It's still there... but it's not gonna be like that first true moment where you say... "It's on!" Most of us don't have the kind of patience to stick it out.  We've been trained to want instant gratification.  There's a lot of brothers and sisters who came into some knowledge and then fell into the background.  Maybe life happened.  Bills, Jobs, Family, etc.  They might feel like they're not getting anywhere with the people in the "conscious community".  So they kind of fade into the background.  You get tired of seeing the same people at the same functions with the same rhetoric and the same level of inaction.  A lot of folks end up spectating from home after while or trying to find something they can do on their own without having to involve others.  

5.  Because.... after a while of hanging around these events... you start to get a sense of the type of people you're dealing with.  A lot of differences... A TON.... Some more detached than others.... Some more "black" than others... However, everybody has their own thing.  And even though everybody may know everybody else... Nothing still gets done TOGETHER! People still don't trust each other, people still take advantage of others, people don't reciprocate, people still don't listen.  Some people just don't have the means to participate.  I find it amazing that you can go to an Afrikan event and every vendor out there is selling the same exact products.  WOW!!! Why don't yall work together or something?!  Yall stepping on each other's toes... Do people really buy that much perfume and shea butter?!  What about the creativity and the ingenuity of my people.  When yall gon start selling some creativity out there?   Where are my healers?!  WHERE?!  I see angry warriors all day... talking about how angry they are and how we're at war.... What about the healing that we all need?!  

I'm gonna continue this later... as it's getting late over here... I'm definitely not done... 
To be continued...... 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Too Sensitive?! How can this be?!

You know... I'm no stranger to a good conversation.... or I guess you can say that I've definitely been a bystander (far too many times, if I must say) of an argument or a debate.  And one of the things that irks me the most is when people start throwing out gender roles and what they think a "real man" or a "real woman" should be like.  Sometimes it's hilarious to me... sometimes I can't stand it.

One of the things I'm starting to get upset about is the whole.... "You're too sensitive" mumbo... I posted this on Facebook not too long ago.......

.....Since when did it become a crime to be too sensitive?! How is THAT considered to be feminine (in a negative sense)?! If I chained you up in the basement.... sliced a large gash in your arm and let it bleed out... and every couple of hours I stopped thru to sprinkle a little salt in it....we'll see how insensitive you are at that moment.....
And after you UNDOUBTEDLY.... start wailing in agony... I'll make sure to tell you... "You're too sensitive and you acting like a lil bi*** right now" "Man up"....  
The truth is.... We all need healing... Almost everything you think you know about bein a real man and a real woman was taught to you by non-blacks.... We starting over from ZERO POINT.... 

This is not an indictment against any particular gender group.  NOOOOOO.  Not at all.  I just wanna get that out the way before I really get started.  Black people have been so lost as to the knowledge of self for so long... that we have taken on the characteristics of our oppressors in an astoundingly potent manner.  We do a very good job of hurting ourselves just as much as the oppressor has hurt us.  Historically, he recruited some of us to carry out this specific purpose.

Men emasculate other men on the regular.  Trashing women all in the same.  You can't call a man a bitch... or say he's acting like a woman and not diss the woman in the same breath.  We've made it ok to say that if  there's some kind of personality trait or emotion that you don't particularly care for.... you can associate that with being like a woman.  And women do it to other women just the same.  Sooner or later.... Women won't want to be womanish anymore....All those same insults that make you feel less than stellar, less than what you were created to be here on this planet, women hurl em at women and men all the same.  And what kind of world do we live in where women constantly "emasculate" other women?!  What kind of man would readily accept from a woman (who knows nothing about what its like to be a man) the level of shame she's trying to place on him for not meeting her expectations of what a "real man" is supposed to be?

Why is it like this, you may ask?  Well we live in a society based on competition and superiority/inferiority.  In gender relations.... Male is greater than female... Therefore, even females tend to lean towards being more manly.  They want to be strong, independent, emotionless, tough, unyielding, less needy, individualistic.  That is the ideal personality in this society.  No matter how you physically look.

When conflict arises, all of the Machismo and Bravado comes out, and a simple conflict over a simple issue may turn into a battle of honor, respect, and reputation.  We turn what would be non-violent arguments into brawls when we bring those elements into play.  Mostly because we've been taught to compete with one another.  Being a man means being on top, being the best, being dominant, being in control, being protective in modern society.  Any time any of those components of our psyche is threatened by our environment or surroundings, it then becomes like a trespass or a challenge to our manhood.  We're supposed to be physically imposing, physically combative, stronger, warlike, infallible.  As soon as something comes along that proves we're not, or that there's someone greater than us in any of these attributes.......We, all of a sudden, take it as a loss of manhood stripes.  It's like we sat and watched National Geographic to determine what manhood and womanhood is all about.  Men ram into each other and women love the winner.  Women allow themselves to be submissive for the ram that has the most physical prowess.... And her life can drastically change over a battle that she wasn't even involved in.... And the ram that loses might as well be a goat... a woman goat.....  I pose the question... when was it OK to identify your personality with that of the BEAST!!!!!! When did animal behavior become the benchmark for human relations?

We've all seen the videos.... tons of em exist... There's a video of a young man cold-cocking a lady who was all up in his face for calling him all kinds of stuff.  "Bitch, Bitch-Nigga, Pussy-ass-nigga.  Sorry to be so blunt, but you know what I'm talking about.  A girl trying to emasculate a boy..... and that all seems fine until he knocks her out.... Then everybody chimes in.... calling him the same exact things that she was calling him in the first place.... cause he decided to put his hands on her.... thus, breaking some unwritten code concerning male and female behavior in relationships.  Now he's labeled too sensitive... He's too emotional... He's a punk.  No man should ever hit a woman.  What's wrong with him?!

Also, at that moment, they finally say that it's alright for her to be a girl.... the weaker of the two.  The victim, the less physically-dominant, the emotional.... Only when she's bruised and beaten is it alright to associate that emotional state with normal female behavior... When she's hooting and hollering tho... Name-calling and acting dominant before the punches were thrown... Nobody had a problem with any of that either.  Or at least they didn't step in to protect the male from her emotional tirade.  Everyone usually says... that's how girls are these days... and HE has to be the "Bigger Man".  No one says that a guy is the "Bigger Man" until he walks away from somebody already perceived to be weaker than him.  Even though she was emasculating him in the process, and posing as the more dominant figure, nobody told her to be the "Bigger Man", cause that wouldn't make sense telling that to a female, would it?   But we also expect her to know that she is the Weaker Woman and walk away and be the Bigger Man?!  Man... how does that work?!  The question in her mind has to be..... Either be like a man and dominate the woman-like man, or be like a woman and be weak and helpless..... A confusing situation for a young woman, nonetheless....

So how confusing is this a situation for a young man?  A woman can gash and slash you.... and poke at your wounds constantly.  Oppress and beat you... and it's wrong for you to have any kind of emotional response about it?!  If you defend yourself, you're a coward.  If she successfully beats on you, then you're a weakling.  Nobody's gonna stop her from oppressing you, cause they believe you should be able to defend yourself?!  Half of the people are looking for entertainment, and definitely wouldn't mind calling you a chump for the rest of your life.  So they're waiting to see how this turns out.  Either way, your reputation will stick and stay with you for the rest of your life.  Damn.  Men are supposed to be invincible I guess.  Inside and Out.   What is he supposed to do next time when he's put in that same position?!  Sit there and let her dig deeper into his perpetually renewed wounds?!   Next time she might not play so nice.  What if emasculating insults turns into baseball bats and pistols?!   That's how we treat the weak, right?  As if their lives doesn't matter....  If you were a real man... you would be able to overtake her anyway, I suppose.  Or let the bullets bounce off of your chest.  That's what a "REAL MAN" would do.....

The fact of the matter is that everything we learned about gender roles came from people who didn't have our best interests at heart.  They've never gotten this issue straightened out.  They're never going to figure it out.  They don't know what a real man looks like.  They don't know what a real woman engenders either.  They're guessing and overvaluing certain traits and devaluing others.  Ignoring parts of their soul at the expense of their very own health and the health of their environment.  Maybe the problem is, the people who created this outlook on gender ain't REAL people.  They're MADE....and we shouldn't seek to imitate a made human.....

What we need is BALANCE....... Balance of all personality traits.... that's what keeps a person healthy and a relationship healthy as well.  A Real man and woman have this balance.  A real man has no problem dealing with his emotions and sensitivities as does a real woman.  Neither one of them sets out to dominate any other person.  They only dominate themselves.  That's what being "real" is about to me.  We need more really real people.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Pros and Cons of Network Marketing... Or My Thoughts on the Topic...

I AM (Currently) A 5LINX INDEPENDENT MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE.... don't let that turn you away from my page.... WHY?!  Cause I could really care less about a 5linx..... What I do care about is MY PEOPLE.  I care about our freedom.  I care about peace.  I care about spiritual awakening.  I care about community and fulfilling one's life purpose.  I see that economic empowerment is a big part of nation-building.  I care about family and the education of our youth.  I want us to be able to find ourselves without money being an issue.  What I truly would like is if fiat currency was done away with altogether... but until then.... we have the former....

As far as 5linx goes... Its not really that much about the products or services we would be selling more than the team building which in turn leads to nation-building.  I would say that the most appealing thing about 5linx over some other mlms is that a few of the products are essential products that everyone uses in their homes today (gas & electric).  There are also products that businesses need to use to be competitive and functional in any marketplace (payment processing, text marketing).  The fact that most of the reps in 5linx are black is somewhat appealing and most of the top earners happen to be black as well.  I guess that's ok on the surface, at least.  Also, 5linx allows you to do one thing, one time, the right way, and it could possibly be the end-all to all of your selling and recruiting days in network marketing.  Most other mlms need you to continue pushing product volume.  When they product gets old and stale, or people aint feeling it no more, The company dies.  Electricity, GAS, and health insurance aren't going anywhere in the foreseeable future.  So 5linx has a leg up on the competition.  It's not uncommon for someone to strike a deal with a major customer that puts 5 figures in their account every month for as long as that account is held.  For most major companies, they'll never change some of their services.  You can pretty much count on that money being there forever.  SO.... for those introverts, or "I don't feel like selling anything" people.... you could potentially make one deal that could change your life, and your family's lives, forever.  AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHASE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS AWAY IN THE PROCESS.  Because how do you build unity when everyone is running away from you?

One of the worst messages I think about network marketing is the fact that you have to say "Forget my family and friends, I'll leave them behind.  They're too blind to see this goldmine".  That's kinda harsh... these are people who you will never be able to do away with.  When 5linx is dead and gone... you don't want these people to still avoid you at all costs.  You don't wanna be the person not invited to the family reunion, right?!.  You don't wanna be the person that got your cousin involved and it didn't go so well.  Now the trust between you and them goes awry.... FOREVER..... I mean you SHOULD be able to approach this thing by yourself, without them, but you definitely don't wanna alienate yourself from your blood.  Anyway, I digress....... with 5linx you don't even have to focus on recruiting people.  It is a CUSTOMER ACQUISITION based company.  You can do well just by selling products and services on your own.  Maybe family will want to join you after they see you're doing well in that area.  That's what this whole game is really about anyway.  Most people quit cause they can't sell products.  They spend most of their time trying to recruit people who don't wanna sell anything either.  No money is coming in and no money is dished out..... The bad part about all this is.... most mlms don't really teach you how to be good salesmen.

But when all goes well.... And it will at some point for me... the idea behind all of this for me is.... Why not build a nation with people who don't have to argue about splits or shares and those who don't feel the need to check each other's pockets?!  I don't care about the rhetoric or the people who own the company.  I don't care about their feelings or sympathies towards my people.  I don't care anything about anything that the company claims to stand for or aspire to be.  As long as the products seem to make sense, and are generally in accordance with nature or the times that we live in...... I figure it's worth a look.   I really don't care about the products.  They all make the same claims... They all will be trumped at some point in time by a new shinier product.  BUT, As long as they're giving people a viable chance to take the money off of the table that they're so willing to put up.... I figure it's worth a look. If they're saying that that the potential money on the table is unlimited, then I figure it's worth a look.

We talk a lot about BUYING BLACK.... When really we are just buying black with black-owned, white-printed-and-created dollars.  Why don't we get some of those white-owned white dollars to buy black for once, without having to go to a 9-5 and spend our entire lives losing ourselves for someone else's dream?  That is the only way black people are bouncing money out of the other race's communities.  In Network marketing/direct sales, they're willing to put money on the table and dare you to work together to take it off of their hands.... Isn't that worth a look?!  I personally believe if we could overlook all the stuff we see on the surface and grasp a vision that says... "these white folks are targets and they think we won't join together and take their money", we'd do BIG TIME NUMBERS in 5linx.  Look.... it doesn't matter if these white folks who started the company get rich in the process or not..... THEY'RE GONNA GET RICH ANYWAY... be it from black dollars or white or yellow or brown or purple.  It's gonna happen.  This system is designed for them to have many avenues to wealth.  What difference is it gonna make to make 3 more white people a little bit more money?  At least we all now have the ability to have a lot more money..... TOGETHER.... to get what we need to get done as a TEAM... so forget 5linx... this is about US!!!  We don't even need money to be honest.  I'm not a money person.  But tI want to be able to have everyone answer a simple question..... "WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING WITH YOUR TIME, IF MONEY WAS NOT AN ISSUE?!"  We spend our whole lives chasing bucks.  So we can give them right back to people who print them.  WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO WE ARE CAUSE WE LET MONEY BLIND US?!  We actually could shut all of this down in an instant.  What if I told you that we really don't need money to get anything done.  What if I told you that money is just energy.....  Your energy.... And you waste it for your entire lives working for someone else's dream?!  Let's take off the veil.... TOGETHER....

Now as for me and my relationship with 5linx?  Let me Explain.... Most of my cohorts in the biz would look at that first sentence above and say.... "Well that's why you ain't gon have no success, Cause your attitude sux".  It's not just about my attitude towards the business, it's the fact that I understand the purpose of the business and the mentality of the people inside.  AND...... the fact that I haven't gotten my financial freedom out of it yet.  I'm not gon lie... I'm a little peeved that it isn't even 1% as easy as I thought it would be, even though I believed everyone when they said..... "It won't be easy".  YES It still managed to go above and beyond even what they probably expect in terms of difficulty....

As far as the term "financial freedom" goes.... I don't even like to use the term FREEDOM when dealing with 5linx.  I, personally, feel like it is a bold faced lie.  I'm one of those people that believes in absolute freedom.  Not the halfway-done, overrated, degrees-of-freedom system which is offered to us.  The one where they make all the rules, and tell you you're your own business.  The one where they tell you that you are in control while you're still under their umbrella.  Freedom?!  As long as we are under this system which was not designed for our benefit then we'll never have freedom.  As long as there are laws and rules concerning fiscal rights and responsibilities, then we'll never have absolute financial freedom.  But for all intents and purposes, 5linx looked like a good investment FOR NOW.  It's like going to vote......  You know that most, if not all, of the candidates aint worth a damn... but you're steadily trying to pick the lesser of all evils.  Damn! What a situation to be in.....

Do I go to work everyday and save money and hopefully get out of the matrix one day?  Do I save enough money to start my own venture and end up employing others to help me achieve my dream, thereby enrapturing them in my very own matrix?  Or do I choose someone else's mini-matrix because it looks like the quickest way out?  Do I even deserve a quick way out?  Was it meant for me to endure the most epic struggles that society has to offer for me to build my character up to its requisite level for meeting my life's true purpose here on this planet?  Is this particular endeavor MY STRUGGLE?  Is there a lesson in struggle for me that tells me I should be seeking it on the daily? Why would that make sense?  Why should I be looking for struggle?  Don't I have enough of that finding its way to me without me searching for it and engaging in it on my own?!  These are all questions I tend to deal with and I'm sure many others deal with as well on a regular basis.....

Anyway.... What makes 5linx ok for now..... They sell products that everyone uses daily.  Products and services that 99% of us just can't help but to use like Electricity and Gas.  They even have a health insurance marketplace which is useful now because of ObamaCare.  Littered throughout the plan are other services and products that deal with weight loss, nutrition, Business Marketing and discount programs, Security systems and monitoring, and some other somewhat useful products.  The compensation plan is decent.  The company has been around for over 14 years.  And they haven't taken off in Atlanta, yet; which is where I live (if I haven't stated that anywhere before).  So I guess that means they have stability and growth potential.  Also, out of the tons of representatives in the company, a lot of people are actually black.  I believe it is primarily for the reason I stated above..... In other words....  Why not get paid for essential services that you've been using in your homes for your entire lives?  Easy to market to people who struggle with these bills historically.

The compensation plan is decent, but geared towards the higher ups (as usual), the more business savvy, and the more socially-inclined.  (Hmmmm where does that put most black people then?)  There are ways to strike it rich quick... and it requires some creativity and doggedness, or just a good elevator pitch, the right look, and a chance meeting.  There's unlimited residual income and it's not too uncommon to see someone pull in at least 10,000 per month.  That's even considered to be on the low end for a lot of reps that have reached certain positions.  And not to mention, they love to tell you how fast a "regular" guy just like you achieved a position that made him over 5 figures per month and how he retired his mother instantly.  Plus... You get paid out weekly and everything is done by a computer.  No one can hold you back or stand in your way.  I've gotten paid for what I've done so the money is real and the payouts are on time like they say they are.  I can't complain about any of the things I've just spoken about.  It's legit.

The only thing that is tough to deal with is the fact that these white folks aint no different from many other white folks in that they are greedy.... They don't care about us more than they care about our money.  They want CUSTOMERS.....if you aint producing customers they don't care about you.  Just another number... one of those weaklings... not strong enough to produce.  And they'll never say that... they'll get your cohorts to say it for them... the company wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the people in it... but the people in it are somewhat a product of the company culture.... everyone tends to let the company off the hook for its shortcomings.... and piss on others who aren't able to rise above the pitfalls created by those shortcomings....when they claim to be about transformation... I see a lot of the same things in 5linx that I see in corporate America.

Now.... There is a bigger issue with network marketing schemes that makes black people an easy target for sales.  First of all, we have no sense of self.  We're easily fragmented, divided, and broken down.  This makes for big business.  Most mlms devise their schemes based on breakdowns in unity and togetherness because they know it generates more revenue during the rebuilding process.... They preach this rebuild and constant push-through-and-forward rhetoric all the time.  Easy targets we are because we've, historically, been bad at trusting one another and sticking together for hundreds of years, especially us Afrikans in America at this time.  Most of the time, if people would just stick together and stick to a strategic plan..... A lot of these companies would go out of business because they gamble hard on the revenue generated from the breakdowns vs. the stick-and-stays.  As a sidenote, this could very well be one of the reasons why some people think these companies are scams.  They were designed for at least some people to fail.  There's money in the failure.  You'll see it in some of the ways that some of these companies operate.  They don't care if you're angry or disgusted with some of their business practices, it's designed to weed out the people who are "all for the brand" or "not all for the brand".  They might have wonderful products... but the shipping takes too long.  Or they might have good prices, but the customer service is terrible.  No different from many other corporations in America, but THAT WOULD BE FINE IF THEY DIDN'T CONSTANTLY PREACH HOW THEY ARE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER CORPORATIONS IN THE WORLD!!

Second, Blacks are more prone to paralysis due to religion.  Religion has us ready to wait on the lord and let him do all the work while at the same time trying to apply the adage of, "faith without works is dead".  We're a very scatter-brained people.  We feel like we need to move but we don't know when to move at all.  Some of us refuse to move.  We go back and forth with ourselves and each other until we give up and sit still.  Sometimes I find it amazing when I look at all the work done in the 1960s.  That wasn't too long ago but my how times have changed.... Hold on though, I can't let the spiritual dogma pitchers just sneak out of the room without taking their lumps.  There are also those people who try to drop the jewels of enlightenment on you... and lure you in by some kind of mystique.  They talk about the "Law of Attraction" and the biblical "transfer of wealth".... and they use it to meet their ends.  You mix those trite sayings with some monetary success and people start to pair the two together.  Like.... "that person must know what they're talking about because they're getting paid!"  When most of the time it looks more like a flawed perspective or interpretation of spiritual science being used for monetary gain.... it can be outright disgusting at times.

We look for a message from a particular direction.  We all have our different sources.  Most of us don't believe in ourselves and need a leader to tell us what to do next.  Knowing this......... All you would need is a few strong speakers (disciples) who look the part of what these people deem to be a messiah... and you send them out and spread your message to the masses and they'll fall in line.  It doesn't matter if the message isn't what the people necessarily would like to hear.... The owners hand off the sermons to the top earners and the earners deliver it to the congregations.  Voila!!! Anything can become acceptable when you hear it from a millionaire who looks somewhat like you... just add the fancy watch, tailored suit and Bentley.   Not to mention, they regularly tend to quote scripture when they give speeches.  Nothing pulls you more out of your own frame of mind than a good old scripture.  If you were feeling down about your plight and current position, or anything negative that may have occurred to you, nothing makes you forget all of that like a good old quote from the Bible, eh?  Most of the top earners are people from churches.  The only time you can seem to get a modicum of togetherness with black people is on a Sunday in a synagogue.....

Third, one of the main focus points of most of these companies is to "find people who want something more out of life".  Now if you haven't noticed.....  We've been in dire straits as a people for a very long time.  We have no togetherness, We have no businesses.  We have no support.  We have no MONEY.  We get shot in the street and treated inhumanely on the regular.  Yea.... OF COURSE... we want something more out of life.  Do we have many options?   Due to all the things I've just stated.... not as many as most other ethnic groups.

We've been deemed the most consumeristic segment of the economy since.... well FOREVER.  EVEN THOUGH we don't have MONEY supposedly!!!!   Somehow we find a way to put over $1 trillion USD back into the pockets of everyone else but ourselves.  We've all heard the stories about Black dollars not bouncing.  Our money is rock-solid and brick-like..... no bounce.  We spend, spend, spend... and we mostly spend on things we don't need.  Well when you're a people who don't have a sense of self.... and you're desperately trying to get back to that stage of remembrance.... You tend to develop a few habits to ward off the pain you're feeling.  Most people try to escape.... There are many ways to do that... I named a major one above in Religion.  Others develop other habits... which usually tend to end up falling under one of the 7 deadly sins categories......

So when someone presents you with a bunch of options.... you're liable to try just about every single one of those options out until you feel some kind of good about yourself.  It doesn't matter what the best option is to fix the cause of the issue.... we have to try them all...  So as long as there are entities out there who can continue producing more buying options........  black people will buy them all.

With all the above said, you can see how blacks can be targeted by these companies to be representatives and customers.  We buy the most crap already and we desire the most to be out of our current circumstances within this country.  Mix that in with our current inability to unite under a common goal, stick to the plan, and trust one another.  Oh yea, let's not forget that we don't know ourselves and can be led along by anything that looks fancy or full of the faith... Black people are a GOLD MINE.  Yes Indeed!! We are!!!!  But for more reasons than just these listed above.  I'll speak more about that later, I'm sure.

So even after all of this.... I'm still in 5linx.  And I'm gonna try to make it work.  I can't expect everyone to see this thing the way I do.  But something must be done.  I can't sit around and wait any longer.  I'm gonna give it my best shot to make this work for us.  This is DEFINITELY... not the last step for me on my journey towards freedom.... I want to build with you guys.  I want to help you all find the time and space to free your minds... Yes... I wanna be the Morpheus to your Neo.  I want us all to find the Oracle together.  If you wanna hear more about my vision... just hit me up on here... we can talk about it... I can tell you how we can actually make this thing work.  Who knows.... If we get enough people.... IT MIGHT ACTUALLY BE QUICK AND EASY!!!!