Thursday, July 23, 2015


Fight or flight.... Fight or flight......  (I'm just thinking out loud)  It gets no more basic than that....One of my teachers... Baba Wekesa and his wife Afiya talk a lot about the emotion of anger... When you are being violated as a person.... You either fight the violator that's violating you... or you move away to a safe distance... There's No thinking really involved in it...You just default to your natural instincts and make the move.

That's the dangerous part though...  Because we ALL were trained to fight or flee in a certain way whether we recognize it or not... Your fighting and your retreat style will be very dependent upon your natural training or your experiential/environmental training....

Ima have to paint a picture of this for you...
Have you ever seen a boxer... Maybe even a pro level boxer... and he's in a match and something happens that he wasn't prepared for...... Either he gets caught off guard with a punch that really stifles him... or maybe it just pisses him off.... Maybe he's tired and his discipline starts to waiver....  Take Mike Tyson for instance.... When Mike got thrown off of his square... he reverted right back to his street style.... to the point where once he was like, "I'ma bite this dude's ear off".... Throwing wild punches... looking like he hasn't even trained for the fight.... But in the first round he might have been technically sound.  Hmmmm....... All that training went right out the window... he went straight back to the way the STREETS taught him... the way he grew up....

NOW.... picture us.... Black people..... in a boxing match with racism or white supremacy... (I say racism, cause some people act like racism doesn't have a face).  I choose boxing because we are definitely at war and almost everybody agrees with that...

Now picture us not having the ability to throw a punch for 400 years!!  Picture us not even wanting to be in the fight!!  We got thrown in this right against our will.... WITH Our hands tied behind our back.... All We Could Do was Dodge for the longest of time.... All the while.... Our opponent was giving us the works.... he was juicing, wearing brass knuckles under his gloves, foreign substances on his gloves... blinding agents, poisons...Referee paid off, Everything you can imagine....  And he's been wearing us out.... but we never got knocked out...

The boxing ring depicts the world... Because at our present state of mind... there is really nowhere that we can hide in this ring... because racism is going to seek us out and try to bomb on us.... (black wall street).  We have to stay elusive.... The only thing different about this fight and the sport of boxing... is there are no rounds... it's nonstop....

So we were taking some haymakers during slavery... and then somebody decided to let the chains off our gloves cause we started headbutting (using our brains)  and other slick defense methods... (nat turner)  But they only let one arm go for the time being (segregation).  Not knowing we could do some heavy damage with that one free hand and maybe even untie the other one with it..... we decided to take another route....

Instead of freeing our other hand...Somewhere in the fight we started complaining about our gloves not being as shiny and new as the opponent's... but the referee ignored us constantly....   After a while of that... we stopped dodging altogether... The opponent had a field day....Landing all kinds of shots.... hanging us out to dry while the crowds watched and had picnics....

  Now picture us taking all these heavy blows... like the champs we are... and then we decide we just wanna embrace the opponent thinking he gon give us a break for just a few seconds... While we're in there hugging it up... he's talking as much trash as he possibly can to get us riled up (Jim Crow)...But the referee always broke up the hugging after a we could get back to the punishment.... the opponent was punching us on the breaks.... and showboating with it.... having so much fun that he pretty much forgot that we had a free hand... So we started working the jab... (Civil Rights, NOI, etc).  And after a few good shots with our that free hand... we finally got our 2nd hand freed from bondage....The opponent didn't like getting hit... so they decided they'd do that for us and negotiate a little break in the action....

While we're sitting in the corner with no cut man.... bleeding heavily... ears ringing.... The opponent is in his corner... tightening up his tricks... coming up with new strategies to combat you getting your hands back..... biowarfare, illusions, mind control, etc.... Your ears are ringing so much that you don't even hear the bell ring again for the fight to start back up.... It's like you're in a coma in the middle of the ring... trying to wake up.... while the opponent is going in on you.....

NOW... this is where we are today...... Your trainer and cutman has just showed up in the corner.... you caught a second wind and woke up from your daze and just as you were coming to your senses you see the enemy rearing back for a big left hook.... which he connects.... Your instincts say WTF?!?!

Now you have a choice.... .FIGHT OR FLIGHT??? And that's where we are... that split second moment where we decide to FIGHT OR LEAVE!!!  YET.....  it requires a certain type of training to FIGHT the right way.... It Also.... Requires a certain type of training to SEPARATE the right way.... and if you do not get that training.... then you will be operating off the instinctual/environmental/imitative lessons of fight or flight that you have learned throughout your lifetime.... And that being the case, not many of us would be operating outside of a white supremacy influence....

MY POINT BEING........... I notice a lot of brothers and sisters who can't STAND white supremacy.... but the only thing they want to do is pick up a gun or tell everyone else to battle it out with the beast with guns....I also see people advocating boycotts or other affronts to the racist power structure that really have no foundation besides ANGER........ And When the response is not filled with fervor they lash out a lot of the time... and I see a lot of oppressive speech towards other brothers and sisters in regards to their "manhood", strength, knowledge, etc.... That is a trained response that we definitely did not learn from OUR ancient teachers.  We are not warlike... but yes we are at war.... Why do you think we should fight the beast on his terms?  Is that not BEAST-LIKE?!  We have not yet trained to beat the white man at his game.  ALSO.... no boxer ever trains to beat the other boxer at his game.... they train to eclipse the opponent in skill and technique.  That's how you win at sport.  And remember... we're dealing with an opponent with a 400 year head start.... It's gon take a special kind of training.... WHY DON'T WE ENGAGE IN THIS KIND OF TRAINING.... before we talk actual combat?  Why call me a wimp because I'm telling you to think about it before you act?!

Some may think we don't have time to think.... and that it's purely fight or flight.... My response to that is that the last 400 years has really been nothing more than the split second moment where we are deciding whether to take up the fight or take flight....  400 years is far more than enough time to get your proper training in either of these two areas.  Some of my people will hate me for saying this (probably for the reasons I stated above)  but I suggest you find your trainers before you fully engage in either....

To illustrate my point further.... Think back to the 1st Matrix movie.... NEO started off in the Matrix.... and he had a trainer (Morpheus) teaching him how to flee from his oppressors over a cellphone... He had to be TRAINED how to flee.... it even led him to the edge of a building.... but once Neo took the red pill.... He exited from the matrix and then he began to get his own training through his own programs/initiations... Once he was prepared... he re-entered the Matrix and decided to actually FIGHT and he fought well until he had to flee again.  He then had to get retrained how to flee over the phone again... until he got shot by the agent in the hallway... It was at that very moment... that he learned who he was and it was that split second where he was trained to not have to flee any longer.... He resurrected and started stopping bullets with his mind.....

NOTICE.... THAT AFTER THIS MOMENT... THAT IN NONE OF THE OTHER MATRIX MOVIES DID YOU EVER SEE NEO FIGHT WITH A GUN AGAIN.... WHY FIGHT WITH A GUN WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE?!  You're more powerful than the primitive gun... why waste your bullets and your time?!  

Now if you're "conscious"  then you'd know of stories of your people, even today, doing such feats as Neo in the matrix could.  So why not get your training?!  What is your AR-15 to the opponent's nuclear warhead or gas chamber?  Do you still wanna play that game now?!  I'm not speaking out of fear.... I'm speaking out of knowledge and love for all my brothers and sisters.

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